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The meeting was held in the Old Courtroom at the T own Hall and was called to order at 7:45 by the Chairperson, Dan Holmes.
PRESENT: Terrence Ford, Dan Holmes, Ted Kreinik,  Neil Perone,  Dave Stout and Kathy Quinn. ABSENT: Pam Buchler, Ryan Clancy and Ben Toby.
NOTE:  There were no minutes from Nov. due to the lack of a quorum.
COMMUNICATIONS:  Kathy reported on her presentation Nov. 15th at the Northwest Conservation District in Litchfield.  She will also follow up with Mark Garrett at Community Energy to see if there are any additional marketing materials available.
TASK FORCE VS. COMMITTEE – the group reviewed Ted’s proposed organizational structure and some changes were recommended and there was a discussion on just how encompassing our group should be.  Dan will discuss our proposals with Rob Sibley, as we do not want to infringe on any other  group’s  areas of responsibility.  A revised draft will be distributed to the committee members.  Two names were recommended; Sustainable Energy Committee and Clean Energy Committee.  A proposed structure will be presented to the Board of Selectmen in Jan.
EARTH DAY / SCHOOL INVOLVEMENT – Ben, Pam and Dan will be meeting with Janet Robinson on Dec. 17th to solicit volunteers for Earth Day from the schools.   Some of the ideas we have are; Competition for signups, yogurt cup competition, science projects, recycled art competition and involvement by other departments such as writing projects, all revolving around the subject of Earth Day.  A copy of the email regarding school competitions needs to be sent to Janet and Kathy needs to follow up with the Finance Department to see how we access the funds from Community Energy.
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT – Nothing to report at this time.
5K  GRANT – Dan to contact Jillian Carbone at CCEF to get the paper work needed to apply for the grant.
PPA ( Purchase Price Agreement)  – While reviewing the Reed School as a potential site for our 4kw solar panel installation, the solar consultant from the State noted that this would be a good site for additional panels to be installed.  Approximately 70 additional panels could be added to the left side of the building’s roof.  This could be done using a PPA  where the supplier would own the installation and be responsible for the maintenance but the town would purchase the electricity at a reduced rate.  Dan presented this idea at the last Board of Selectmen’s meeting and they agreed that we should move this process forward.  Ted noted that we would need to obtain at least 3 RFP’s.  Ted recommended that Ben and Ryan work with Dave on preparing the RFP.  A motion was made by Terrence and seconded by Dave to put together and RFP.  Dan will contact CCF to obtain a copy of the site report that was done on the Reed School  to include in the RFP.  
ADJOURMNENT – A motion was made by Terrence, seconded by Dave to adjourn at 9:30.